PayApp - The Virtual Currency payments platform

Lees in Afrikaans

PayApp is currently the Payment Application and was created by Brian Dalton, for transaction purposes. The company that holds the funds is a “PayApp PTY LTD”.

Unlike most Virtual Currencies like Bitcoin, our digital banking system works on an ILP (Inter Ledger Protocol)

The system generates a unique personal account number which facilitates the easy transfer of Digital Cash from your account number to anyone in the PayApp system, anywhere, anytime, instantly and with immediate payment notification, this allows one to safely transact with anyone without having to carry cash.

Digital Virtual Currencies are therefore not the same as Crypto Currency. By and large, Crypto Currencies use block chain technology, and as such are highly volatile and their value is based purely on “supply and demand” and “public sentiment”, we believe our currency should be as stable and as strong as possible, our business model is based on safety and is therefore not in any way a risk model.

"DigiCash" is far safer than physical Cash, it cannot be stolen, lost or taken through fraud. You also do not have to download any application. Our digital banking system works on a web-app, which mean you can use it from any device, tablet, phone or PC. The system has double security, which means you firstly log in to your account and then to transact you use a 5-digit PIN. All you need is a web enabled device, and internet connectivity.

PayApp is divided into a current account facility for daily buying, selling and trading, and which operates through a Pre-Paid Debit Card which can be loaded with the electronic currency from the current account in order transact,... as well as a separate savings account in which gold will be stored for clients who deposit cash into their Gold savings account...(100% of savings is used to buy Gold Kruger Rands and is stored at a secure facility by separate Company, also 100% insured for your peace of mind.)

This effectively means that our digital currency is asset backed by gold, as people buy into the system, we utilise the funds (Rands) to buy at this stage Gold that then backs the digital currency. What this does is immediately secures and stabilizes the value of your money and the value of our digital currency. So, if the Rand value drops our digital currency stays stable.

For you then, this means you can immediately now secure your excess cash against the risk of the Rand falling. You must remember the Zimbabwe currency fell by 75% in one day when they started taking land… That means the one day you had R100 000 in the bank and the next day it was worth R25 000... it is going to happen here…

We also have a business section that allows for security like multiple releases of any outgoing funds, and we have a prepaid debit card in place, it’s a Mastercard so can be used virtually anywhere. You transfer funds from your PayApp account into your card and you spend it like any normal card. You will also be able, through your cellphone to do business on the Internet with other members of the Virtual Nation (and who are clients of PayApp through the PayApp system)... and through your Debit card you will be able to do transactions world-wide with any merchant or business who support Mastercard.

You can start buying and selling to each other immediately. We have a classifieds trading platform on our website that you can start using now and test the system for yourself. In fact, you can do a transfer to your spouse and your spouse can do one back just so you get to see how easy it is to use the system and how quick and painless payment are.

A Transactional Levy will be the taxation in the future, so no vat and no personal tax will be required... at present you as an individual will pay 0.25% to help your new nation get going, and businesses will pay 0.50%, as one does save a lot with us anyway. As for drawing cash... you can draw cash from your pre-paid debit card at any major retailer till point, and you can also EFT into any other bank.

Fees As the system will now be directly exchanged to USD, the amount you see in your account will be in USD, this means as the Rand weakens the money in your account will increase in Value.

Our fees mentioned below, thus appear in USD. There is an activation fee of US$ 2 for the month of February 2019, then after that will return to the usual US$ 8. There is a US$ 1 monthly banking service fee for individuals and US$ 10 monthly banking service fee for Businesses. SMS and email notifications are US$ 0.1. There is a 1% deposit fee when putting funds into your account. All transactions are free and all EFTs are free. There is a minimum account balance of US$ 8, in order to keep your account open. Gold savings account is US$ 2 per month and a 0.3% monthly fee, (this is to cover storage and insurance)…

The name of the electronic currency will be decided after our new nation has its final name, at this stage it is "DigiCash".

PayApp PayApp has a two-step verification process (Password and PIN) All verification data is one way encrypted with the latest in encryption algorythms. You can transfer your money out at any time, but note that there is naturally a withdrawal fee and it can take up to a day or two to reflect in your account, depending on which bank you bank with.

The advantages of our Digital Banking is the fact that it's asset backed, it’s safe to use, it means you don’t need to carry cash, it’s so easy to use and convenient. It also means we are not controlled by the NEW WORLD ORDER and our banking system belongs to us the people, and NOT the likes of SOROS, RENWICK or ROTHSCHILDS of this world.

No account is linked to any other account, what goes into your account is yours. It is exactly the same as any other bank account with 2 notable differences, the currency is Gold backed (safe and secure) and the currency used is purely digital, there are no physical notes and coins.

We will be doing yearly audits. (the first audit was already completed in October 2018)...and in the future, we envisage that each community will have its own community owned digital bank, this will be owned by the community and be for the community, no one will be allowed to own more than a 10% share in the community bank and in that way it will always be run and owned by the community. All proceeds and loans will then come out of community bank and all profits go back into that community bank.

We will be launching said community owned community banks in the future, and these will be able to borrow and do loans etc, just like any other bank, But its only in the future for now. As regards to this also note that PayApp, comprises of a savings and current operational account for each client, and only when community banks are put in place when we have territory on the ground, will the bank expand into facilitating a loaning section, probably not before that. The New Virtual Nation will probably also have its own Reserve Bank in the future...but only from a regulatory stand point.

It is important to note that since this is an electronic system which is web based, not a telephone app it can be used from any computer. If the internet gets shut down NO bank or business in South Africa will be operative and the whole system will crash. However, since our servers are offshore, data will not be lost and as soon as the internet resumes you will be able to trade as usual, provided your own connection to the internet is not compromised. Physical interaction will only be available once communities on the ground have their banks set up, and there is a building which they can enter to speak with staff.

PayApp is not required to be registered in terms of the Banks act, even if we wanted to, we can't. It is therefore 100% legal, at the present time, Digital currencies or virtual currencies (VC)fall outside of the South African banks Act. We were also told by the FSCA (FSB) that we do not require registration.

As regards to what will happen to the money if the government starts action and force the cellphone companies to freeze the accounts of members....PayApp is a web-based system (mobile first, web-app) not a cellphone app... so it can be used on any computer, tablet or mobile device... so shutting cell network down won’t help... yes they can shut down internet, but then every other bank and business will crash as well...

So what happens if ANC turns off the networks or internet services? We had 12 hours of load shedding around a week ago and ZERO comm’s via cellphones or internet providers from two hours into the affair. Well, then no matter what bank you are with all this will effect each the same... However if you have a satellite connection, you can continue, as our servers sit offshore…

PayApp - Die virtuele geldeenheid Betalingsplatvorm

PayApp is tans die Betalingsapplikasie en was geskep deur Brian Dalton, vir transaksiedoeleindes. Die maatskappy wat die fondse hou, is 'n PTY LTD genaamd "PayApp PTY LTD".

In teenstelling met die meeste virtuele valuta's (soos Bitcoin), werk ons digitale bankstelsel op 'n ILP (Inter Ledger Protocol).

Die stelsel gebruik u selfoonnommer as rekeningnommer, wat die maklike oordrag van digitale kontant vanaf u selfoon aan enigiemand, oral en altyd, moontlik maak en met onmiddellike betalingskennisgewing, u toelaat om veilig met iemand anders te onderhandel sonder om kontant te dra.

Digitale virtuele geldeenhede is dus nie dieselfde as die "Crypto" Geldeenheid nie. "Crypto" Geldeenhede gebruik grotendeels blokketting tegnologie, en as sulks is dit baie wisselvallig omdat "Crypto" Geldeenhede se waarde, suiwer op vraag en aanbod en openbare sentiment gebaseer is. Ons glo dat ons geldeenheid so stabiel en so sterk as moontlik moet wees, dus is ons besigheidsmodel op veiligheid gebaseer en verwerp ons 'n risikomodel.

"DigiCash" is veel veiliger as fisiese Kontant, dit kan nie gesteel word, verloor word, of deur bedrog en verneukery wegraak nie. U hoef ook nie enige applikasieprogram af te laai nie. Ons digitale bankstelsel werk op 'n webprogram, wat beteken dat u dit met enige toestel, tablet, selfoon of rekenaar kan gebruik. Die stelsel het dubbele sekuriteit, wat beteken dat u eers by u rekening inteken en dan moet u 'n 5-syfer-PIN gebruik. Al wat u nodig het, is 'n toestel wat webgereed is, met 'n werkende internet konneksie.

PayApp bestaan uit 'n lopende rekeningsfasiliteit vir daaglikse koop, verkoop en handeldryf, en dit funksioneer deur middel van 'n Voorafbetaalde Debietkaart wat met die elektroniese geldeenheid van die huidige rekening gelaai kan word, ten einde transaksies moontlik te maak.....asook 'n afsonderlike spaarrekening waarin goud gestoor sal word vir kliënte wat kontant in hul Goud spaarrekening inbetaal ... (100% van die spaargeld word gebruik om Goue Kruger Rande te koop en word by 'n veilige fasiliteit deur 'n afsonderlike maatskappy gestoor, waar dit ook ook 100% verseker is vir u gemoedsrus.)

Dit beteken effektief dat ons digitale geldeenheid deur goud gesteun word. Wanneer mense in die stelsel inkoop, gebruik ons die fondse (Rande) op hierdie stadium om goud te koop wat dan die digitale geldeenheid ondersteun. Wat dit beteken, is dat die waarde van u geld en die waarde van ons digitale geld onmiddelik stabiliseer. Dus, as die randwaarde daal, bly ons digitale geldeenheid onaangeraak.

Vir u beteken dit dat u dadelik nou u oortollige kontant kan beveilig teen die risiko dat die Rand val. U moet onthou dat die Zimbabwiese geldeenheid op een dag met 75% geval het toe hulle begin land konfiskeer het ... Dit het beteken dat u in een dag R100 000 in die bank gehad het en die volgende dag was dit net R25 000 werd ... dit gaan hier gebeur ...

Ons het ook 'n besigheidsafdeling wat voorsiening maak vir sekuriteit soos inkrimentele uitbetalings van enige uitgaande fondse, en ons het 'n voorafbetaalde debietkaart in plek, dit is 'n Mastercard, sodat dit feitlik oral gebruik kan word. U dra fondse oor van u PayApp-rekening na u kaart en u spandeer dit soos op enige gewone kaart. U kan ook via u selfoon met ander lede van die Virtuele Nasie (wie ook kliënte van PayApp is via die PayApp- stelsel is) sake doen ... en via u debietkaart kan u transaksies wêreldwyd aangaan met enige handelaar of besigheid wat Mastercard ondersteun.

U kan dadelik met mekaar begin handeldryf. Ons het 'n geklassifiseerde handelsplatform op ons webwerf wat u nou kan gebruik en die stelsel vir uself toets. Trouens, u kan 'n oordrag aan u gade doen en u gade kan een terug doen net sodat u kan sien hoe maklik dit is om die stelsel te gebruik en hoe vinnig en pynloos betaling is.

'n Transaksionele heffing sal die belasting in die toekoms wees, dus geen btw en geen persoonlike belasting sal nodig wees nie. Op die oomblik betaal u as 'n individu 0,25% om u nuwe nasie te help, en besighede sal 0.50% betaal aangesien u inelkgeval aansienlike besparings sal ondervind met hierdie stelsel.

Wat kontant betref, kan u by enige prominente kleinhandelaar se betaalpunte kontant onttrek uit u debietkaart, en u kan ook elektroniese fonds-oorbetalings maak na enige bank.

Fooie Aangesien die stelsel nou direk na USD uitgeruil word, sal die bedrag wat u in u rekening sien, in USD wees. Dit beteken dat die Rand besig is om te verswak, en dat die geld in u rekening in waarde sal styg. So ons fooie hieronder genoem, verskyn dus in amerikaanse dollars (USD). Daar is 'n aktiveringsfooi van US$ 2 vir Februarie 2019, daarna sal dit terugkeer na die gewone US$ 8.

Daar is 'n maandelikse bankdiensfooi van US$ 1 vir individue en 'n US$ 10 maandelikse bankdiensfooi vir Besighede. Sms'se en e-pos kennisgewings is US$ 0.1. Daar is 'n 1% depositofooi wanneer u fondse in u rekening inbetaal. Alle transaksies is gratis en alle EFT's is gratis. Daar is 'n minimum rekeningbalans van US$ 8 wat gehandhaaf moet word om u rekening oop te hou. Goud spaarrekening is US$ 2 per maand plus 'n 0,3% maandelikse fooi. (Dit is om berging en versekering van die goud te dek) ...

Daar sal besluit word op die finale naam van die elektroniese geldeenheid wanneer ons nuwe nasie sy finale naam ontvang...op hierdie stadium verwys ons na die elektroniese geldeenheid as "DigiCash".

PayApp PayApp het 'n twee-stap verifikasie proses (wagwoord en PIN) Alle verifikasie data word beskerm deur 'n 'eenrigting' ïnkripsiestelsel met die nuutste algoritme-koderings. U kan u geld enige tyd oordra, maar let daarop dat daar natuurlik 'n onttrekkingsfooi sal wees en dit kan 'n dag of twee neem om in u rekening weerspieël te word, afhangende van watter bank u gebruik.

Dit word gerugsteun deur bates, dit is veilig om te gebruik, dit beteken dat u nie kontant hoef te dra nie en dit laat ons toe om so gou as moontlik na die soewerein oor te skakel. Dit is so maklik en gerieflik om te gebruik. Dit beteken ook dat ons nie deur die nuwe wêreldorde beheer word nie en ons bankstelsel behoort aan ons die mense, NIE aan die SOROSSE, RENWICKS of ROTHSCHILDS van hierdie wêreld nie.

Geen rekening is gekoppel aan enige ander rekening nie. Wat in u rekening inbetaal word, behoort aan u. Dit is presies dieselfde as enige ander bankrekening met twee noemenswaardige verskille, die geldeenheid word gerugsteun deur Goud (veilig en seker) en die geldeenheid wat gebruik word, is suiwer digitaal, daar is geen fisiese banknote en munte nie.

Ons doen jaarlikse oudits. (die eerste oudit is reeds in Oktober 2018 voltooi) ... en in die toekoms beoog ons dat elke gemeenskap 'n eie digitale gemeenskapsbank sal hê. Dit sal deur die gemeenskap besit word en vir die gemeenskap wees. Niemand sal meer as 10% in die gemeenskapsbank mag besit nie, sodoende sal dit altyd deur die gemeenskap bestuur en besit word. Alle opbrengste en lenings sal uit gemeenskapsbank kom en alle winste sal weer teruggeploeg word in die gemeenskapsbank in.

Bogenoemde gemeenskapsbanke in gemeenskapsbesit, sal in die toekoms in werking gestel word, en die banke sal in staat wees om lenings, ens. te fasiliteer, net soos enige ander bank. Maar dit is in die toekoms vir nou... Met betrekking tot hierdie saak, let ook daarop dat PayApp bestaan uit 'n spaarrekening en huidige lopende rekening vir elke kliënt. En slegs wanneer gemeenskapsb banke in plek gestel word (wanneer ons fisies grondgebiede besit), sal die bank uitbrei om 'n leningsafdeling te fasiliteer,... waarskynlik nie voor dan nie.

Die Nuwe Virtuele Nasie sal heelwaarskynlik ook sy eie Reserwe Bank he in die toekoms...maar net vanuit 'n regulatoriese standpunt.

Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat aangesien dit 'n elektroniese stelsel is wat webgebaseer is, en nie van 'n telefoonprogram afhanklik is nie, dit van enige rekenaar af gebruik kan word. As die internet afgeskakel word, sal GEEN bank of besigheid in Suid-Afrika in werking wees nie en die hele stelsel sal ineenstort. Aangesien ons bedieners egter in die buiteland geleë is, sal data nie verlore raak nie en sodra die internet hervat word, sal u kan handeldryf soos gewoonlik, (mits u eie verbinding met die internet nie gekompromeer was nie). Fisiese interaksie sal eers beskikbaar wees sodra gemeenskappe op die grond hul banke opgerig het, en daar 'n gebou is, wat mense kan betree om met personeel te praat.

PayApp is nie verplig om geregistreer te word ingevolge die Bankwet nie, en selfs al wil ons dit doen, kan ons nie. Dit is dus 100% wettig. Digitale geldeenhede of virtuele geldeenhede (VC) val tans buite die Suid-Afrikaanse bankwette. Ons is ook deur die FSCA (RFD) ingelig dat ons nie registrasie benodig nie.

Betreffende die moontlikheid van wat met die geld sal gebeur as die regeringsaksie begin en selfoonmaatskappye gedwing word om die rekeninge van lede te bevries .... PayApp is 'n webgebaseerde stelsel (mobiele eerste, webprogram) nie 'n selfoonapplikasie nie, dus werk dit op enige rekenaar, tablet of mobiele toestel ... As die selnetwerk afgeskakel word, sal dit nie die stelsel affekteer nie ... ja hulle kan internet afsluit, maar dan sal elke ander bank en besigheid ook in duie stort ...

So, wat gebeur as ANC die netwerke of internetdienste afskakel? Ons het sowat 'n week gelede twaalf uur lank "load shedding" gehad en GEEN kommunikasie via selfone of internetverskaffers, twee uur na dit begin het nie... Wel, dit maak nie saak by watter bank jy besigheid doen nie, almal sal in dieselfde bootjie wees ... maar as jy 'n satellietverbinding het, sal jy konneksie he, want ons bedieners is in die buiteland...

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